Making the best of it
If you have never heard of Mel Robbins you must stop your life, watch her videos, and buy her book, The Five Second Rule. My husband bought me the book months ago. I was pissed. Why did I need motivation? The highly offensive book sat on my nightstand collecting dust.
After picking an unnecessary fight with my husband and letting the book collect dust, Mel was announced the keynote speaker at my NOLA conference.
The book continue to collect dust.
I wanted to read it before I left, so a week prior to my trip I started to read it. The morning I lost the baby I had put her words into practice and got up early and worked out. That is probably the only reason I found out about the baby. The workout caused the spotting, caused my call to the midwife, caused the appointment, caused the ultrasound. Had I read that book months ago, who knows what would have happened.
I used her technique to get through the last few days. I am positive it will continue to get me through the days and weeks to come. I stalked Mel at my conference…like tweeting her, looking for her, fan girling her everwhere. It was my destiny to meet her.
After wandering for 30 minutes and asking 3 people where she was, I found the line to meet her. The end of the line. They were turning everyone away. Mel was leaving in 15 minutes and there were 100 or more people in front of me. I had tears in my eyes as I walked away.
I found the rest of my people totally crestfallen and truly disappointed
I was destined to meet this woman and it was not going to happen. We all had to go to the bathroom and ended up sitting outside of the bathroom on the floor (I know, totally disgusting. My feet hurt. What can I say?)
Next thing I know, Hannah Fisher walks past. You probably don’t know her name but not long after I started with my company in 2013, Hannah Fisher lost her son, Angel, at 36 weeks. (You can read more of her story online.) I had never met Hannah but followed her journey on social media. My friend and I had talked about Hannah many times while I was deciding if I was going on the trip and during my low moments after I got there. I knew if Hannah could pick herself up after her experience, I could too.
I also knew if I saw her in a convention full of tens of thousands of people, I would 5-4-3-2-1 (#5SecondRule), introduce myself and thank her. I have drawn so much strength from others thanking me for sharing my story (and theirs) and I wanted her to know she did the same thing for me.
So, outside of a bathroom while I was resting my aching feet and dreaming of a fatty lunch and mimosas, Hannah walks past. I didn’t even think and I yelled her name. She comes over, I start to cry. Like, blubbering hot mess of tears and snot. This incredible woman who just presented to 18,000 people the previous day hugged me, loved on me, and gave me her time. She asked me how I was feeling. She encouraged me. She was so humble and generous and warm. She is a busy lady and I knew she had some place to be but she made me feel like I was the only person on the planet. “Tell your story. Just like I helped you, you will help others.”
Life has a funny way of giving you what you need. I needed this trip to find myself again and not be a mom or wife but just take time for myself. I didn’t need to meet Mel but I did need to meet Hannah (even if it was outside of a bathroom).
I am taking Hannah’s advice and telling my story. I hope it makes you laugh, cry and, if I do a good job, inspire you. You only get one chance. Let’s make the best of it.